a thousand years 歌词,暮光之城4插曲 A Thousand Years歌词,最好有翻译

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a thousand years 歌词,暮光之城4插曲 A Thousand Years歌词,最好有翻译

2023-12-26 17:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,暮光之城4插曲 A Thousand Years歌词,最好有翻译 2,A Thousand Years 的中文歌词唱的。 3,提前学习外语的优缺点 4,暮光之城四的主题曲a thousand year的歌词,要一句歌词,一句翻译的那种,谢谢~ 5,STING《A Thousand Years》的完整版歌词 6,求A Thousand Years part 2的完整歌词翻译 7,求STING的那首A Thousand Years的歌词 8,A Thousand Years 的中文歌词 9,A Thousand Years 歌词 10,找一首歌,歌词里有一段every time i close my eyes 1,暮光之城4插曲 A Thousand Years歌词,最好有翻译

歌名:《A Thousand Years》 演唱:Christina Perri 歌词: Heart beats fast(心跳得越来越快) Colors and promises(眼前愈加斑斓的色彩 耳边你的誓言晕开) How to be brave(该如何变得勇敢) How can I love when I'm afraid to fall(当我害怕失去害怕受伤 我该怎么去爱) But watching you stand alone(但当你就站在我眼前) All of my doubt(我所有的疑问顾虑) Suddenly goes away somehow(就都突然消散不见) One step closer((想和你)再靠近一点) I have died everyday waiting for you(我用尽生命中的每一天 只为等你出现) Darling, don't be afraid(亲爱的 别害怕别孤单) I have loved you for a thousand years(我对你的爱已跨过千年时间的考验) I‘ll love you for a thousand more(就算再有一千年 我心也不变) Time stands still(时间凝固定格在这一秒) Beauty in all she is(透过它我看到了所有过往的美好) I will be brave(我会勇敢坚定地去爱) I will not let anything take away(不会让任何事物夺走) What's standing in front of me(我眼前这无比美好的你) Every breath(每一次呼吸) Every hour has come to this(每一天每一刻都只为这一秒) One step closer(就让我再近些将你注视凝望) I have died everyday waiting for you(我用尽生命中的每一天 只为等你出现) Darling, don't be afraid(亲爱的 别害怕别孤单) I have loved you for a thousand years(我对你的爱已跨过千年时间的考验) I’ll love you for a thousand more(就算再有一千年 我心也不变) All along I believed I would find you(自始至终我都坚信我会等到你) Time has brought your heart to me(时间最终也给了我你最真的心) I have loved you for a thousand years(我对你的爱已跨过千年漫长的考验) I‘ll love you for a thousand more(就算再有一千年 我心也不变) One step closer(让我再靠近你一些) One step closer(让我能永远记住你的脸) I have died everyday waiting for you(我用尽生命中的每一天 只为等你出现) Darling, don't be afraid(亲爱的 别害怕别孤单) I have loved you for a thousand years(我对你的爱已跨过千年时间的考验) I’ll love you for a thousand more(就算再有一千年 我心也不变) And all along I believed I would find you(自始至终我都坚信我会等到你) Time has brought your heart to me(时间最终也给了我你最真的心) I have loved you for a thousand years(我对你的爱已跨过千年漫长的考验) I‘ll love you for a thousand more(就算再有一千年 我心也不变) 扩展资料: 一、歌曲介绍 歌曲《A Thousand Years(一千年)》是电影《Breaking Dawn(暮光之城4)》中的插曲。由人气才女Christina Perri献唱,这支MV拍的非常唯美,身着黑色纱裙的Perri在夜色里点亮满地烛光,穿越千年,等待着那一缕温暖的瑰丽阳光。 《A Thousand Years》这首歌,常备人物在进行婚礼时播放。歌曲含义“我已经爱你一千年,还会爱你一千年”是相当合适在婚礼上播放的,歌手克里斯蒂娜·佩(Christina Perri)的演唱其实也给这首歌加了不少分,在婚礼上播出也达到了一定的效果。 二、影片介绍 《暮光之城4:破晓》是美国导演比尔·康顿根据斯蒂芬妮·迈耶的同名小说拍摄创作的一部魔幻爱情电影,由狮门电影公司旗下的顶峰娱乐公司发行。该片分为上下两部,构成了《暮光之城》系列的第四部,也是该系列电影的最后一部。 该片上部于2011年11月18日发行,下部于2012年11月16日发行。由克里斯汀·斯图尔特、罗伯特·帕廷森、泰勒·拉特纳等担任主演。讲述了贝拉成为吸血鬼,在被意大利沃图里家族知道了他们混血孩子的存在后,同卡伦一家与沃图里家族展开斗争的故事 参考资料:百度百科—《A Thousand Years》 百度百科—暮光之城4:破晓

暮光之城4插曲 A Thousand Years歌词,最好有翻译

2,A Thousand Years 的中文歌词唱的。

  The day we met   初次邂逅的那天   Frozen I held my breath   时间彷佛停止了   Right from the start   从一开始我就知道   I knew it I found a home for my   我从此找到了归宿   Heart beats fast   心跳开始加速   Colors and promises   色彩飞旋、承诺在心中回荡   How to be brave   我该怎样鼓起勇气面对一切   How can I love when I'm afraid to fall   我该如何去爱你,此刻的我是那么害怕因此沉沦   But watching you stand alone   但当我看到你独自伫立   All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow   我所有的不确定瞬间消失   One step closer   一步步靠近   I have died everyday waiting for you   过去的每天我都在迫切的等待着你的到来   Darling don't be afraid I have loved you   亲爱的不要害怕,我一直爱着你   For A Thousand Years   爱了一千年   I'll love you for A Thousand more   在未来我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远   Time stands still   时光在此停驻   Beauty in all she is   她是那样动人,仿佛所有的美丽聚集在她身上   I will be brave   我会变得更加勇敢   I will not let anything take away   我将紧紧抓住此刻的一切   What's standing in front of me   我拥有的一切就站在我面前   Every breath   我的每次呼吸   Every hour has come to this   我的每刻都是为了此时   One step closer   一步步靠近,近如咫尺   I have died everyday waiting for you   过去的每天我都在迫切的等待着你的到来   Darling don't be afraid I have loved you   亲爱的不要害怕,我一直爱着你   For A Thousand Years   爱了一千年   I'll love you for A Thousand more   在未来我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远   And all along I believed I would find you   我一直以来都坚信我会在人群中找到你   Time has brought your heart to me   时光把你的心交给了我   I have loved you for A Thousand Years   我一直爱着你,像一千年那么久   I'll love you for A Thousand more   我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远   One step closer   一步步靠近,近如咫尺   One step closer   一步步靠近,近如咫尺   I have died everyday waiting for you   过去的每天我都在迫切的等待着你的到来   Darling don't be afraid I have loved you   亲爱的不要害怕,我一直爱着你   For A Thousand Years   爱了你千年   I'll love you for A Thousand more   在未来我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远   And all along I believed I would find you   我一直以来都坚信我会在人群中找到你   Time has brought heart to me   时光把你的心交给了我   I have loved you for A Thousand Years   我爱过你,像一千年那么久   I'll love you for A Thousand more   我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远

A Thousand Years 的中文歌词唱的。



1. 学外语越早越好吗





2. 只要方法得当,孩子越早学外语效果越好











4,暮光之城四的主题曲a thousand year的歌词,要一句歌词,一句翻译的那种,谢谢~

A Thousand Years(千年) - Christina Perri(克里斯蒂娜·佩里) Heartbeats fast 心跳开始加速 Colors and promises 那些色彩和承诺 How to be brave 如何才能变得勇敢 How can I love when I'm afraid to fall 我担心我即将沦陷,该如何相爱 But watching you stand alone 但是看着你独自伫立 All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow 我所有的不确定在某种程度上刹那间全部消失 One step closer 近如咫尺 I have died everyday waiting for you 我在每天等候你的日子里死去 Darling don't be afraid I have loved you 亲爱的不要担心我爱过你 For a thousand years 爱过你一千年 I love you for a thousand more 我爱你,比一千年更久远 Time stands still 时光永驻 Beauty in all she is 她的芳华未改 I will be brave 我会变得勇敢 I will not let anything take away 我不会让任何东西被带走 What's standing in front of me 我拥有的所有 Every breath 每一次呼吸 Every hour has come to this 每一个钟点都是为了如此 One step closer 近如咫尺 I have died everyday waiting for you 我在每天等候你的日子里死去 Darling don't be afraid I have loved you 亲爱的不要担心我爱过你 For a thousand years 爱过你一千年 I love you for a thousand more 我爱你,比一千年更久远 And all along I believed I would find you 我一直以来都相信,我会找到你 Time has brought your heart to me 时光把你的心交给了我 I have loved you for a thousand years 我爱过你,像一千年那么久 I love you for a thousand more 我爱你,比一千年更久远 One step closer 近如咫尺 One step closer 近如咫尺 I have died everyday waiting for you 我在每天等候你的日子里死去 Darling don't be afraid I have loved you 亲爱的不要担心我爱过你 For a thousand years 爱过你一千年 I love you for a thousand more 我爱你,比一千年更久远 And all along I believed I would find you 我一直以来都相信,我会找到你 Time has brought your heart to me 时光把你的心交给了我 I have loved you for a thousand years 我爱过你,像一千年那么久 I love you for a thousand more 我爱你,比一千年更久远

5,STING《A Thousand Years》的完整版歌词

http://bbs.wwenglish.org/dispbbs.asp?boardid=9&id=165071 这两个版本看看啊 你那个不是他唱的吧 A thousand years, a thousand more, A thousand times a million doors to eternity I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times An endless turning stairway climbs To a tower of souls If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars, The towers rise to numberless floors in space I could shed another million tears, a million breaths, A million names but only one truth to face

A million roads, a million fears A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty I could speak a million lies, a million songs, A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time But if there was a single truth, a single light A single thought, a singular touch of grace Then following this single point , this single flame, The single haunted memory of your face

I still love you I still want you A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves Like galaxies in my head

I may be numberless, I may be innocent I may know many things, I may be ignorant Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times Reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes Or wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thief I've kept this single faith, I have but one belief

I still love you I still want you A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves Like galaxies in my head On and on the mysteries unwind themselves Eternities still unsaid 'Til you love me

6,求A Thousand Years part 2的完整歌词翻译

The day we met 初次邂逅的那天 Frozen I held my breath 时间仿佛停止了 Right from the start 从一开始我就知道 knew that I found a home 我从此找到了归宿

For my heart beats fast 心跳开始加速 Colors and promises 色彩飞旋、承诺在心中回荡 How to be brave 我该怎样鼓起勇气面对一切 How can I love when I'm afraid to fall 我该如何去爱你,此刻的我是那么害怕因此沉沦 But watching you stand alone 但当我看到你独自伫立 All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow 我所有的不确定瞬间消失 One step closer 一步步靠近 I have died everyday waiting for you 过去的每天我都在迫切的等待着你的到来 Darling don't be afraid I have loved you 亲爱的不要害怕,我将一直爱你 For A Thousand Years 爱了你千年 I'll love you for A Thousand more 在未来我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远 Time stands still 时光在此停驻 Beauty in all she is 她是那样动人,仿佛所有的美丽聚集在她身上 I will be brave 我会变得更加勇敢 I will not let anything take away 我将紧紧抓住此刻的一切 What's standing in front of me 我拥有的一切就站在我面前 Every breath 我的每次呼吸 Every hour has come to this 我的每刻都是为了此时 One step closer 一步步靠近,近如咫尺 I have died everyday waiting for you 过去的每天我都在迫切的等待着你的到来 Darling don't be afraid I have loved you 亲爱的不要害怕,我将一直爱你 For A Thousand Years 爱了你千年 I'll love you for A Thousand more 在未来我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远 And all along I believed I would find you 我一直以来都坚信我会在人群中找到你 Time has brought your heart to me 时光把你的心交给了我 I have loved you for A Thousand Years 我爱过你,像一千年那么久 I'll love you for A Thousand more 我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远 One step closer 一步步靠近,近如咫尺 One step closer 一步步靠近,近如咫尺 I have died everyday waiting for you 过去的每天我都在迫切的等待着你的到来 Darling don't be afraid I have loved you 亲爱的不要害怕,我一直爱着你 For A Thousand Years 爱了你千年 I'll love you for A Thousand more 在未来我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远 And all along I believed I would find you 我一直以来都坚信我会在人群中找到你 Time has brought heart to me 时光把你的心交给了我 I have loved you for A Thousand Years 我爱过你,像一千年那么久 I'll love you for A Thousand more 我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远

7,求STING的那首A Thousand Years的歌词

A thousand years, a thousand more, A thousand times a million doors to eternity I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times An endless turning stairway climbs To a tower of souls If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars, The towers rise to numberless floors in space I could shed another million tears, a million breaths, A million names but only one truth to face

A million roads, a million fears A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty I could speak a million lies, a million songs, A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time But if there was a single truth, a single light A single thought, a singular touch of grace Then following this single point , this single flame, The single haunted memory of your face

I still love you I still want you A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves Like galaxies in my head

I may be numberless, I may be innocent I may know many things, I may be ignorant Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times Reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes Or wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thief I've kept this single faith, I have but one belief I still love you I still want you A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves Like galaxies in my head

On and on the mysteries unwind themselves Eternities still unsaid Till you love me

8,A Thousand Years 的中文歌词

 The day we met   Frozen I held my breath   Right from the start   I knew that I found the home for my   Heartbeats fast   心跳开始加速   Colors and promises   色彩飞旋、承诺在心中回荡   How to be brave   我该怎样鼓起勇气面对一切   How can I love when I'm afraid to fall   我该如何去爱你,此刻的我是那么害怕因此沉沦   Watching you stand alone   但当我看到你独自伫立   All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow   我所有的不确定瞬间消失   One step closer   一步步靠近   I have died everyday waiting for you   过去的每天我都在迫切的等待着你的到来   Darling don't be afraid I have loved you   亲爱的不要害怕,我将一直爱你    For A Thousand Years   爱了你千年   I'll love you for A Thousand more   在未来我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远   Time stands still   时光在此停驻   Beauty in all she is   她是那样动人,仿佛所有的美丽聚集在她身上   I will be brave   我会变得更加勇敢   I will not let anything take away   我将紧紧抓住此刻的一切   What's standing in front of me   我拥有的一切就站在我面前   Every breath   我的每次呼吸   Every hour has come to this   我的每刻都是为了此时   One step closer   一步步靠近,近如咫尺   I have died everyday waiting for you   过去的每天我都在迫切的等待着你的到来   Darling don't be afraid I have loved you   亲爱的不要害怕,我将一直爱你    For A Thousand Years   爱了你千年   I'll love you for A Thousand more   在未来我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远   And all along I believed I would find you   我一直以来都坚信我会在人群中找到你   Time has brought heart to me   时光把你的心交给了我   I have loved you for A Thousand Years   我爱过你,像一千年那么久   I'll love you for A Thousand more   我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远   One step closer   一步步靠近,近如咫尺   One step closer   一步步靠近,近如咫尺   I have died everyday waiting for you   过去的每天我都在迫切的等待着你的到来   Darling don't be afraid I have loved you   亲爱的不要害怕,我一直爱着你    For A Thousand Years   爱了你千年   I'll love you for A Thousand more   在未来我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远   And all along I believed I would find you   我一直以来都坚信我会在人群中找到你   Time has brought heart to me   时光把你的心交给了我   I have loved you for A Thousand Years   我爱过你,像一千年那么久   I'll love you for A Thousand more   我将继续爱你,比一千年更久远

9,A Thousand Years 歌词

《A Thousand Years》 歌曲原唱:Christina Perri Heart beats fast 心跳得越来越快 Colors and promises 眼前愈加斑斓的色彩 耳边你的誓言晕开 How to be brave 该如何变得勇敢 How can I love when I'm afraid to fall 当我害怕失去害怕受伤 我该怎么去爱 But watching you stand alone 但当你就站在我眼前 All of my doubt 我所有的疑问顾虑 Suddenly goes away somehow 就都突然消散不见 One step closer (想和你)再靠近一点 I have died everyday waiting for you 我用尽生命中的每一天 只为等你出现 Darling, don't be afraid 亲爱的 别害怕别孤单 I have loved you for a thousand years 我对你的爱已跨过千年时间的考验 I‘ll love you for a thousand more 就算再有一千年 我心也不变 Time stands still 时间凝固定格在这一秒 Beauty in all she is 透过它我看到了所有过往的美好 I will be brave 我会勇敢坚定地去爱 I will not let anything take away 不会让任何事物夺走 What's standing in front of me 我眼前这无比美好的你 Every breath 每一次呼吸 Every hour has come to this 每一天每一刻都只为这一秒 One step closer 就让我再近些将你注视凝望 I have died everyday waiting for you 我用尽生命中的每一天 只为等你出现 Darling, don't be afraid 亲爱的 别害怕别孤单 I have loved you for a thousand years 我对你的爱已跨过千年时间的考验 I’ll love you for a thousand more 就算再有一千年 我心也不变 All along I believed I would find you 自始至终我都坚信我会等到你 Time has brought your heart to me 时间最终也给了我你最真的心 I have loved you for a thousand years 我对你的爱已跨过千年漫长的考验 I‘ll love you for a thousand more 就算再有一千年 我心也不变 One step closer 让我再靠近你一些 One step closer 让我能永远记住你的脸 I have died everyday waiting for you 我用尽生命中的每一天 只为等你出现 Darling, don't be afraid 亲爱的 别害怕别孤单 I have loved you for a thousand years 我对你的爱已跨过千年时间的考验 I’ll love you for a thousand more 就算再有一千年 我心也不变 And all along I believed I would find you 自始至终我都坚信我会等到你 Time has brought your heart to me 时间最终也给了我你最真的心 I have loved you for a thousand years 我对你的爱已跨过千年漫长的考验 I‘ll love you for a thousand more 就算再有一千年 我心也不变 扩展资料: 人气才女Christina Perri献唱大热电影《Breaking Dawn(暮光之城4)》插曲《A Thousand Years(一千年)》。 《A thousand years》 这首歌,常备人物在进行婚礼时播放。 歌曲含义“我已经爱你一千年,还会爱你一千年”是相当合适在婚礼上播放的,歌手克里斯蒂娜·佩(Christina Perri)的演唱其实也给这首歌加了不少分,在婚礼上播出也达到了一定的效果。 歌曲MV 这支MV拍的非常唯美,身着黑色纱裙的Perri在夜色里点亮满地烛光,穿越千年,等待着那一缕温暖的瑰丽阳光。

10,找一首歌,歌词里有一段every time i close my eyes

歌名:Billionaire 作词:崔维·麦克科伊,布鲁诺·马尔斯,阿里·莱文,菲利普·劳伦斯 作曲:崔维·麦克科伊,布鲁诺·马尔斯,阿里·莱文,菲利普·劳伦斯 歌曲原唱:崔维·麦克科伊,布鲁诺·马尔斯 I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad 我想当个亿万富翁 极其想 Buy all of the things I never had 去买那些我从不曾拥有的东西 Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine 我想上《福布斯》杂志封面 Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen 在奥普拉和英女王身旁微笑 Oh every time I close my eyes 每次我闭上双眼 I see my name in shining lights 看到聚光灯下 我的名字闪闪发光 A different city every night oh 每夜穿梭在不同城市 I swear the world better prepare 我发誓 这世界最好做好准备 For when I'm a billionaire 我将成为亿万富翁 Yeah I would have a show like Oprah 我会像奥普拉一样有一档节目 I would be the host of, everyday Christmas 我将是主持人 每天都是圣诞节 Give Travie a wish list 给Travie一个许愿单 I'd probably pull an Angelina and Brad Pitt 我可能会像安吉丽娜和布拉德皮特一样 And adopt a bunch of babies that ain't never had sh-t 收养一群不麻烦的孩子 Give away a few Mercedes like here lady have this 送出去几辆奔驰 说 美女 收下吧 And last but not least grant somebody their last wish 最要紧就是实现人们的遗愿 It's been a couple months since I've single so 我已经单身不止一个月了 You can call me Travie Claus minus the Ho Ho 你可以叫我Travie圣诞老公公 别说Ho Ho Get it, hehe, I'd probably visit where Katrina hit 听着 hehe 我要去卡特里娜台风袭击的地方 And damn sure do a lot more than FEMA did 保证比联邦应急局干的事多 Yeah can't forget about me stupid 笨蛋 你可不能把我给忘了 Everywhere I go I'm a have my own theme music 去哪儿都有我的主题曲 Oh every time I close my eyes 每次我闭上双眼 I see my name in shining lights 看到聚光灯下 我的名字闪闪发光 A different city every night oh 每夜穿梭在不同城市 I swear the world better prepare 我发誓 这世界最好做好准备 For when I'm a billionaire 我将成为亿万富翁 Oh oooh oh oooh for when I'm a Billionaire 我将成为亿万富翁 Oh oooh oh oooh for when I'm a Billionaire 我将成为亿万富翁 I'll be playing basketball with the President 我会和总统一起打篮球 Dunking on his delegates 在他的代表队头上扣篮 Then I'll compliment him on his political etiquette 然后我会称赞他的政治礼仪 Toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it 往空中扔几万块玩玩 But keep the fives, twentys 但是留着5美元和20美元 And yeah I'll be in a whole new tax bracket 我会设置一个全新的税率 We in recession but let me take a crack at it 当我们陷入经济危机 而我可以做手脚 I'll probably take whatevers left and just split it up 我会拿剩下的钱去分 So everybody that I love can have a couple bucks 这样所有我爱的人都能有钱花 And not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was 让我身边没有一个人尝试饥饿的滋味 Eating good sleeping soundly 吃得好 睡得安稳 I know we all have a similar dream 我知道我们都有相似的梦想 Go in your pocket pull out your wallet 那就从你们的口袋中拿出钱包 And put it in the air and sing 扔到空中 一起唱 I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad 我想当个亿万富翁 极其想 Buy all of the things I never had 去买那些我从不曾拥有的东西 Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine 我想上《福布斯》杂志封面 Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen 在奥普拉和英女王身旁微笑 Oh every time I close my eyes 每次我闭上双眼 I see my name in shining lights 看到聚光灯下 我的名字闪闪发光 A different city every night oh 每夜穿梭在不同城市 I swear the world better prepare 我发誓 这世界最好做好准备 For when I'm a billionaire 我将成为亿万富翁 For when I'm a billionaire 我将成为亿万富翁 I wanna be a billionaire so frickin bad! 我想当个亿万富翁 极其想 扩展资料:Billionaire 是体操课英雄乐队主唱崔维·麦克科伊(Travie McCoy)和布鲁诺·马尔斯演唱的歌曲,歌词、曲谱由崔维·麦克科伊、布鲁诺·马尔斯、阿里·莱文、菲利普·劳伦斯撰写。 歌曲被收录在崔维·麦克科伊首张录音室专辑Lazarus 中,作为主打单曲,于2010年3月9日通过华纳唱片发行。 2011年4月27日,歌曲获得美国版权协会流行音乐奖颁发的“最佳表现歌曲”奖项。 创作背景: Billionaire 的歌词来源于布鲁诺·马尔斯一次在伦敦的旅行,他的唱片公司只给了他240英镑,叫他在伦敦度过11天。他认为这些钱根本不够,认为这是一个大错误。 他想成为一个“亿万富翁”。布鲁诺·马尔斯认为,经济问题激励了他写这首歌曲。他认为如果自己是一个“亿万富翁”,生活会变的更加美好。 歌曲的大概思路出来后,布鲁诺·马尔斯将它弹唱给了崔维·麦克科伊,崔维·麦克科伊很喜欢,并同意与其合作。但崔维·麦克科伊有认为成为“亿万富翁”这主题有些肤浅。 他仔细的听了几遍后,以“如果自己有许多钱,会自私还是无私?”为主题接受了这首歌。 2009年的夏天,布鲁诺·马尔斯的制作团队The Smeezingtons完成了Billionaire的小样带。随后,崔维·麦克科伊加入了音乐制作,与The Smeezingtons完成了完整版的Billionaire。 歌曲的和弦序列对美国乐队Sublime1966年发行的歌曲Santeria 进行了采用。




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